Attendance at St. Cecilia's School
Regular attendance is a priority for all at St. Cecilia’s School. We recognise the importance of school attendance. We endeavour to provide a supportive, positive and welcoming school environment where the needs of each individual student are met.
With the introduction of the Welfare Act (2000) in relation to attendance and an overall desire for improved attendance, the need for an attendance strategy was identified. We aim to support all students and their right to education.
The legislation governing school attendance in Ireland is the Education (Welfare) Act (2000). Parents/Guardians are required to ensure that their children attend school on a day when school is open and classes are in progress.
Where the student is absent from the school at which he/she is registered, the parent/guardian of the child shall notify the school of the reasons for the child’s absence as is required under the Education Act. An attendance certificate is available to download from the school website – or from the class teacher.
Schools are obliged to keep a register of student attendance. They must also maintain attendance records for all students and inform the relevant authorities (NEWB) if a child is absent for 20 days or more during the school year.
A child who is unwell with a contagious infection, should, in the interest of other students in the school, be kept at home until well enough to return to school in full health. Consult with the school nurse(s) re illness.
Students under the age of 6 who are absent cannot be reported to TUSLA. Only absences from their 6th birthday will be included in any reporting.
Parents are discouraged from taking holidays during school term time. Taking into consideration Section 21(9) of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, only absences relating to activities organised by the school or in which the school is involved can be authorised by the Principal. Therefore we cannot “give permission” for holiday absences during term time.
Our Statement of Strategy can be viewed below.
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