St. Cecilia's School

St. Cecilia’s School caters for students with moderate, severe and profound learning disabilities. There is a special class for students with autism. Pupils from 4-18 years are catered for. There are seven classes, three junior (4-12yrs approx.) and four senior (12-18yrs).

stcecilias_5.jpgWe are a Catholic School under the patronage of the sisters of La Sagesse. However we welcome students of all religions and none. The School operates within the context and parameters of the Department of Education and Science. The school is subject to regular inspections and monitoring by the assigned Inspectorate. The Curriculum followed is taken from the National  Guidelines for pupils with moderate, severe and profound learning disabilities.


We are situated on the Sligo to Rosses Point road in the scenic complex of Cregg House, although a separate building with our own Board of Management.

There are two newly renovated playgrounds with playground equipment for students to enjoy and develop socially. Our proximity to Cregg House gives us the advantage of a choice of hot dinners supplied by the kitchen, the use of a heated hydrotherapy pool and an excellent Sports Hall with specialist staff who run Special Olympic activities with our students.


A wide curriculum is offered including:

  • Communications and Language
  • Maths
  • Social, Personal & Health Education
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Physical Education
  • Social, Environmental and Scientific Education
  • Visual Arts

stcecilias_1.jpgThe school uses a student centered approach and an Individual Education Plan is drawn up in collaboration with parents and the multi-disciplinary team. These plans are reviewed regularly through out the year.

A variety of individual and group programmes are used including PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autism and related Communicated Handicap Children), Intensive Interaction and Láimh (Irish Signing System).

A separate curriculum 14+ has been developed to help the older students prepare for leaving school.

Close collaboration exists with the relevant Health Service Executive Professionals including Occupational Therapists, Special Needs Counsellors and the Autism Team.


St. Cecilia’s prides itself on a highly qualified and motivated staff. The teachers are very experienced in Special Education and many have undertaken further additional training in this area. Experienced Special Needs Assistants play an integral role in the high standard of care and learning provided to our students. All staff receive training in manual handling and positive behaviour interventions. Updating of skills and provision of training is a priority of the Board of Management.

The staff include:

  • Administrative Principal
  • 7 Class Teachers
  • 2 Special Needs Assistants per Class
  • School Secretary
  • School Nurse
  • Part-time Physiotherapist
  • Access to Speech Therapist
  • Access to Behaviour Therapist
  • Part-time Drama Teacher
  • Kitchen Staff
  • Cleaning Staff


All classrooms are well resourced and equipped with networked computers and printers. A large assembly hall and dining room enhance the facilities.

Activities which the students enjoy include:


  • Cookery
  • Swimming
  • Horse-riding
  • Weekly Social Outings
  • Integration Projects with local schools
  • School Tours
  • Art Work
  • Gardening
  • ICT
  • Soft Play
  • Multi Sensory Activites

We have two buses which are used to bring students on weekly social outings and to sporting activities.


Daily communication takes place through use of the home/school diaries. Parents are invited to Assembly and are especially invited to Christmas Plays, masses and other special events.

We have an open door policy and parents are welcome into their child’s class at any time to visit or work alongside us in the classroom especially when settling new students into the school. Each term parents are invited to discuss and contribute to the progress of their child.

Our Parents’ Association is very committed to developing and extending the opportunities provided for students. They meet regularly and participate in policy making and planning in collaboration with the school staff and Board of Management.

For further information please contact the Principal Éilis Dillon, St. Cecilia’s School, Cregg, Sligo. Telephone 071 9177907 – Fax 071 9177011 – Email

St. Cecilia's School

Welcome to St. Cecilia's School, Sligo. We offer education to students with Special Educational Needs, from Autism to SPLD. We regularly provide updates for parents through our blog. If you have a question or would like more information, please contact us. Disclaimer: Each user waives and releases St. Cecilia's School its Board of Management, Principal, Staff, Officers, Parents & Students (hereafter collectively referred to as St. Cecilia's School) to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of material or information made available through this website. Subject to any terms implied by law which cannot be excluded, in no event shall St. Cecilia's School be liable for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from use of the material. While care has been taken to ensure that information contained in St. Cecilia's School publications is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information. St. Cecilia's School gives no warranty or assurance and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained, or that it is suitable for your intended use. In addition to information available on this website St. Cecilia's School also provides links to external internet sites. These external information sources are outside of our control. It is the responsibility of internet users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information found. Although care is taken to provide links to suitable material from other external sites the nature of the internet prevents the guaranteeing of suitability, completeness or accuracy of any material to which this site may be linked. St. Cecilia's School is not endorsing any provider of products or services by facilitating access to information about these providers from its web pages, nor does it accept responsibility for the quality of goods and services provided by third parties accessed through these pages. Copyright: St. Cecilia's School materials published on the internet are protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced or reused for any purposes whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

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